If you are a CPA member, make sure you register BEFORE the November 25 AGM to be able to participate in the 2021 AGM

You should have gotten an email on November 9 from cpa@cpa-apc.org providing instructions on how to register for the 2021 CPA AGM being held on November 25 at 4:30 PM ET (several members indicated emails regarding the CPA AGM went to their spam folders, so check your spam if you can’t find the email).

Please ensure you register well before the registration deadline of 2 pm ET November 25 (we suggest you register before November 24 in case any trouble shooting is required).

If you cannot find the November 9 email from the CPA in your mailbox, please email the CPA directly at cpa@cpa-apc.org well in advance of the AGM date to ensure you can properly register, and vote, at the November 25 2021 AGM.

Note that once you register with CPA, the confirmation email with the zoom link is sent from a “no-reply@zoom.us” email address, not a cpa email address, so if you misplace the link search your inbox or spam for the email from zoom.

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